Tuesday 8 October 2013

37-year-old Man To Die By Hanging For Murdering Step-daughter

Abdullahi Abubakar, 37, who was arraigned in August 2008 for putting a poisonous substance, suspected to be Germaline, in his step-daughter’s food, which led to her death, has been sentenced to death by hanging.

Justice Bello Gummi of Talata Mafara High Court in Zamfara delivered the sentence yesterday...

: “The court, therefore, finds and holds that the prosecution has established the guilt of the accused person as charged.

“I accordingly sentence you to death and you will be hung by the neck until you die. This judgment is subject to confirmation by the state governor.”

Do you think he deserves the death sentence? Leave your comments below...


  1. He deserves it..slow death wuld hv been better.Evil being

  2. He who takes d life of another, dsnt deserve 2 live
