Thursday 17 October 2013

"I'm not gonna lie - I've tried everything": Idris Elba Reveals His Struggles with Drugs and Relationships

The handsome actor who is no stranger to being on lists of the sexiest men in Hollywood opens up about his drug taking past.

'I'm not gonna lie - I've tried everything, just between you, me and the people who read this magazine,' the 40-year-old told the latest issue of Playboy. 'I've tried it all. I played one of the biggest drug dealers in the world on TV, so you think I'd know what I was talking about.'

Idris Elba - who admitted in the past to selling weed to make ends meet - gained recognition in the US thanks to his career-changing role as Baltimore based crack dealer Russell ‘Stringer’ Bell in The Wire.

In the candid interview, the British actor also said he is 'very protective' of his pre-teen daughter Isan.

'I’m very protective of my daughter and who she hangs out with,' he said. 'You can drive yourself nuts as a parent, thinking about what boys do and what I got up to as a kid. If my kid got up to that same stuff, I’d be horrified.'
Idris Elba admits in the latest issue of Playboy that he has tried 'all' drugs
He only gets noticed because he is famous. His fame also tends to impress the ladies, Elba said.

'When I wasn't on TV or in films, I didn't get any special attention when I went out,' he said. 'Some beautiful people always attract attention. I didn't until I got on television. So I'm on these lists only because I'm on TV.'

'I'll sit in a pub and nobody will recognise me, I might see an attractive woman, but she doesn't recognise me, so I'm not getting any love. Then one person goes, "Oh, it's you," and suddenly they all overhear and start asking questions. It's bulls--t.

The divorced star said being in a relationship as an actor has its challenges. 'I've been in and out of relationships, I've been married, and it's hard to keep a relationship when you're an actor,' he continued. 'A girl I knew said to me, "My dad told me, 'Never date an actor or a DJ.'" It was over, right there on the spot. I was f--ked.'

Elba has made a home for himself in the US over the last decade, often dividing his time between Atlanta – where his daughter lives – and London, where people still recognise him from his days as a DJ, something he continues to do.

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