Sunday 19 January 2014

I Know The Effect Of My Body On The Opposite Sex - EME's First Lady Niyola

EME's first lady, Niyola, recently had an interview with Punch where she talked about life as first lady of EME, being sexy, meeting Mr. right and her style amongst many others. See excerpt from the interview below...

Life as First Lady of EME
I’ve always grown up among guys. It feels good to know that I have more guys to call my family. There is of course an added responsibility when you’re the only female on a record label, but I can handle the pressure. It feels good to know that there are people looking out for me. If there is any competition in house, it is a friendly one. We all make different types of music so it would be pointless for anyone to want to compete with others.

Being sexy  

I have always been self-aware. I am a woman and have always been conscious of my body and the effect it has on the opposite sex. I am me and being sexy is innate. It is not something I do on purpose, it’s like breathing. I don’t know for a fact if it has helped increase my acceptability or made me marketable. I want to believe my music does all that for me.

Mr. Right

I’m not in a relationship and I don’t like the phrase Mr Right. Any man that I would get involved with has to possess certain basic qualities. I have a strong personality so, my man must be confident. Any man who lacks self-confidence will not be able to live with a strong woman. He must also have the fear of God. This is very important and he must be intelligent. It also helps if he is good looking. Attraction is important in a relationship.

My style

I like to keep it simple. Style for me is comfort, elegance and class.  I dress according to the occasion and the message I’m trying to pass across with that particular look. It doesn’t necessarily have to go with everybody’s approval .I think what you wear is a personal choice.

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