Monday 24 February 2014

The BOOM is Silenced! CNN FIRING Piers Morgan

Piers Morgan is kaput. CNN has confirmed the story that Morgan himself confirmed to The New York Times about an hour ago.

The blunt and unlovely statement: "CNN confirms that Piers Morgan Live is ending. The date of the final program is still to be determined."

Morgan did what he pretty much had to do -- put on a good face in an interview with the Times' David Carr, who knew the score of this game long ago, too, or, as Carr precisely and accurately puts it in his scoop:

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"It’s been an unhappy collision between a British television personality who refuses to assimilate — the only football he cares about is round and his lectures on guns were rife with contempt — and a CNN audience that is intrinsically provincial."

Morgan told the Times: "Look, I am a British guy debating American cultural issues, including guns, which has been very polarizing, and there is no doubt that there are many in the audience who are tired of me banging on about it,” he said. “That’s run its course and Jeff and I have been talking for some time about different ways of using me.”

"Jeff" is Jeff Zucker, CNN chief.

 Meanwhile, a Times of London story said Morgan may have taken the fall for his anti-gun stance. Good for Morgan, but apparently the Times of London has never heard of "ratings" -- as in "pretty darned not good."

Source: NewsDay

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